The artists in TAD @ TSHOP 3 explore the contrasts between the organic and the inorganic. Much of the work is abstract in nature, while some explore figurative representation or tautologies around actual animal carcasses which is fitting for a taxidermy shop. Many of the works contain examples of both contrasts. This can be seen in the photographs of Risa Friedman which explore rigid architectural forms that seem both built and naturally unplanned. The audio piece by Christopher M. Lavery is made with electronic parts but couldn’t be more organic in that the viewer/participant controls the audio outcome of the work in unpredictable ways. 
In both material and form, several artists in this show investigate these subjects with one of the most emblematic organic materials: clay. While clay can be formed into very precise and rectilinear forms the artists in this show, like Shayna Cohn and A Grix, working with clay often play with the material in a way that emphasizes asymmetry and the rawness expressed by the human hand. In contrast to the expectations around earthen mud, these forms are finished on the surface with thoughtful control; often brightly colored with glaze or paint that defy expectations around something formed from the earth itself.
The exhibition TAD @ T-Shop #3 took place on 
June 16th, 2023.

Shayna Cohn
Chrissy Espinoza
Risa Friedman
Hillary Frey
Giddy Galore
A Grix
Christopher M. Lavery
Rebecca Peebles
Leo Rivera
Matthew Smith 

With a special performance by Nicole Banowetz and 
Devin Reilly

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