TAD stands for Temporary Alternative Duty (often used in reference to labor), but also an acronym for
Toby And Don, the two curators behind TAD Projects: Tobias Fike and Donald Fodness. Formed in 2022,
its purpose is to curate and generate exhibitions and art events in Colorado and beyond. With a DIY spirit
and desire to experiment curatorially, TAD sets out to strengthen, bridge and build community through art.
We emphasize the alternative.
Monumomentum. Daniels & Fisher Tower. Denver, Colorado.
TAD @ T-shop #3. One night, DIY exhibition at the Terrarium, Denver, Colorado.
TAD @ T-shop #2. One night, DIY exhibition at the Terrarium, Denver, Colorado.
TAD @ T-Shop #1. One night, DIY exhibition at the Terrarium, Denver, Colorado.